ÖkoEvent: Environmentally friendly events

ÖkoEvent is the umbrella brand name for the City of Vienna’s ecologically friendly events!

Every year countless events take place in Vienna, ranging from small street parties or conferences to major cultural events. Events should be organised in such a way that not only do they provide entertainment and a pleasant atmosphere, but they are also environmentally friendly. This conserves resources, reduces waste and emissions and leads to carefree celebration in Vienna.

Advantages of an ÖkoEvent

Organising your event in an environmentally friendly fashion is not only good for the environment, but also means higher standards and quality for the visitors. This, of course, improves your image as an event organiser. Your event will be advertised on
www.oekoevent.at/oekoevent-veranstaltungen (in German only)

Planning an ÖkoEvent

You can save a lot of time and money by considering the ecological aspects of your event from the very beginning. Involve sponsors and partners as early as possible to ensure that no environmentally unsuitable products are used at your event.
Even if you are already in the middle of planning an event, it is (almost) never too late to seek advise on how to take the necessary ecological measures to transform your event into an ÖkoEvent!

Criteria of ÖkoEvent

The following list provides an overview of all criteria to be taken into consideration when organizing an
ÖkoEvent: Criteria of ÖkoEvent

Examples of measures


Good accessibility to the events by public transport

Admission ticket also serves as ticket for public transport

Installation of mobile cycle stands

Energy & Water

Energy-efficient electrical appliances and lighting systems

Electricity supplied directly from the public electricity grid instead of diesel generators

Water-saving devices, taps and fittings


Information for visitors and staff about the ÖkoEvent

Your event will be advertised on www.oekoevent.at (in German only)


Organic, regional, seasonal and fair-trade food and beverages

Avoidance of food waste

Viennese high quality tap water improves your image as an event organiser.

Waste reduction and waste separation

Use of non-disposable products such as beverages served in returnable cups and glasses, e.g. the Vienna returnable beaker, reusable dishes and cutlery

No active distribution of promotional materials

Waste separation systems in both visitor and backstage areas

Creation of a waste disposal plan for major events

How to turn your event into an ÖkoEvent?

You can find the checklist, together with all instructions, at www.oekoevent.at/en-how-to-apply-for-the-oekoevent-quality-title.
 Simply fill in the checklist and send it to our event management service. If everything is in order you will receive the ÖkoEvent quality title and can then advertise your event as such.

Events held by local government departments of the City of Vienna are conducted in accordance with the criteria of the ‘EcoBuy Vienna’ programme and thereby automatically fulfil the criteria for an ÖkoEvent.

ÖkoEvent - ecologically friendly events in Vienna

Exemplary ecological events are advertised and promoted with the ÖkoEvent quality title. Event organisers receive support from the City of Vienna’s ÖkoEvent Info Service on how to organise their ÖkoEvent.

Free consultation for

Local government departments of the City of Vienna

Recipients of subsidies from the City of Vienna

Associations, NGOs, non-profit organisations

Viennese educational institutions

Sponsored consultation for professional event organisers as part of the Event Checks for the Eco-Business-Plan Vienna: www.oekobusinesswien.at (in German only)

Further information, tips and resources:

www.oekoevent.at (in German only)

www.umweltschutz.wien.at/veranstaltungstipps.html (in German only)

Download Folder ÖkoEvent: Make your event sustainable


ÖkoEvent Info Service of the City of Vienna
c/o DIE UMWELTBERATUNG, Environmental Consulting
+43 1 803 32 32 13

Organise your event in an environmentally friendly fashion, and the environment will celebrate with you!

last updated on 27.01.2025