How to apply for the ÖkoEvent quality title

The ÖkoEvent or ÖkoEvent PLUS quality titles recognize eco-friendly festivals, conferences, and events in Vienna. The ÖkoEvent quality title is free to use and takes just a few steps to apply for.

ÖkoEvent is the City of Vienna’s umbrella brand for particularly eco-friendly events, regardless of size or occasion.

The City of Vienna funds the free ÖkoEvent or ÖkoEvent PLUS quality title for event organizers in Vienna, as well as consultation from the ÖkoEvent Info Service and free use of ÖkoEvent advertising materials.

Requirements for ÖkoEvent and ÖkoEvent PLUS

An event can qualify for the ÖkoEvent or ÖkoEvent PLUS quality title if it meets the required criteria.


Events that meet the minimum criteria and half of the applicable optional criteria of an ÖkoEvent will get to use the ÖkoEvent quality title.

ÖkoEvent PLUS:

Particularly sustainable events that fulfill all the minimum criteria and all applicable optional criteria receive the ÖkoEvent PLUS quality title.


An overview of all the criteria that define an ÖkoEvent, can be found in the following downloadable criteria list.

Please note: Not all criteria are relevant to every event! For example, some criteria apply only to outdoor events, while other criteria may not be relevant if an event exclusively serves drinks and no food.

How do I qualify for the ÖkoEvent quality title?

1. Fill out the Checklist

To apply for the ÖkoEvent quality label, organizers should fill out the digital ÖkoEvent checklist, and indicate how they will implement the required criteria for the planned event.

The checklist should be submitted no later than 10 days before the event starts to allow for any necessary changes.


At the start of the process, a one-time registration is required, preferably using a general email address (office@...) and a generic password to allow multiple people access to the database.

Registration is required to save a registered event and access it again later. It goes without saying that the provided data will be treated with strict confidentiality and will not be shared with third parties.

Enter Data

After logging in, you can enter the data for the event. First, general information about the event will be requested. Then, you can move on to the criteria and specify how they will be met.

The application can be stopped at any time and continued later.

You will find an overview of all criteria at View Criteria List.

2. Apply for the Label

Once all points are filled out, you can submit your application for the ÖkoEvent quality title.

The ÖkoEvent consulting team will then review the submitted checklist and provide feedback if any information is missing or if the criteria are not sufficiently met.

If all requirements for an ÖkoEvent are fulfilled, the organizers will receive a confirmation email, and the corresponding logo will be available for download.

Upon receiving the confirmation email, you can announce and advertise your event as an ÖkoEvent or ÖkoEvent PLUS – on the condition that the measures are implemented as specified.

Please note: Organizers commit to implementing the agreed ÖkoEvent measures when applying for the ÖkoEvent quality title. To protect the ÖkoEvent title as a premium brand, the City of Vienna reserves the right to conduct random on-site checks at events.

You can find the Terms of Use for the ÖkoEvent and ÖkoEvent PLUS quality titles here.


Logo EcoEvent

3. Free ÖkoEvent Advertising Materials

The ÖkoEvent Info Service provides free ÖkoEvent advertising materials, such as roll-ups, table pennants, or beach flags, if necessary. Please contact the ÖkoEvent Info Service in advance to coordinate the procurement of said materials.

4. Listing of the Event on

We are happy to announce your ÖkoEvent on on request (in German only)

After the event takes place, all ÖkoEvents will automatically be listed on the website (in German only). Organizers do not need to take any action regarding this.

ÖkoEvent Status in the City of Vienna’s Event Database

Public events can be entered into the City of Vienna’s event database (in German only) and marked as ÖkoEvents by the organizers themselves. The event will then be announced on the City of Vienna’s homepage, with reference to ÖkoEvent.

ÖkoEvent Info Service of the City of Vienna

Advice on eco-friendly events through DIE UMWELTBERATUNG.

You can reach us during the following hours:

Mon - Thu: 9 am - 3 pm and Fr: 9 am - 12 pm

Phone: +43 1 803 32 32 13

Additional Advisory Services for ÖkoEvents in Vienna

In the following web article, you will find additional  ÖkoEvent consulting offers in Vienna (in German only)

last updated on 19.11.2024

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